You are a masterpiece!     Follow

By Timothy A. Edward

Usually, with the beginning of December, there is a change in the atmosphere. The temperature begins to drop and the air becomes colder. Everything around us points to the end of another eventful year and the dawn of a brand-new one. Thus, this becomes an opportune season to take stock of life and to make appropriate plans for the future. 

Happiness index

Our happiness index is determined by our outlook in life.  2017 was a tough year. Perhaps, it made a mess of us and we too ended up making a mess of ourselves. The economic forecast for the year 2018 predicts tougher times for the entire nation. Since this analysis is based on validated data, it becomes crucial that we remind ourselves of who we are and start to work on things from an inside out perspective.     

In reality, inside of you – you are a priceless masterpiece. There has never been someone like you before and never will be again. You are a unique masterpiece born for a very specific reason. History teaches us that we tend to give undue recognition and praise to politicians. There are many civilians who have achieved far greater and made much bolder sacrifices than some politicians who fill our parliament benches, yet seldom are these commendable souls given even a passing reference in the annals of history.     

Mosaic art 

So, do not be disheartened. Your destiny will open up in front of you if you will only continue to have a heart full of gratitude for all the good things that life has brought your way. You may ask, “But how about the broken pieces?” The broken pieces in your life are there for a specific reason: to make your life all the more richer and meaningful. The broken pieces in your life are nothing more than a beautiful mosaic of your future in the making.   

Some of the world famous mosaic art are found in Italy, Israel and Jordan and these countries have made a name for mosaic tourism. It is totally amazing to see how they turn out great pieces of art that fetch huge sums of money from broken pieces of glass.  

Life choices

In life, we generally have two choices. Either, we dare to put the broken pieces together and create a new mosaic.  Or keep holding on to the broken pieces because they represent our past traumas, failures and shortcomings. If we settle down for the latter, even after the year is long gone, we will continue to hold on to those stained pieces of broken relationships, promises, contracts and opportunities. They will continue to haunt us, cutting deep into our system by hurting us severely and killing us slowly.  

As this year comes to an end, make a choice to use what is broken in your life to make something beautiful and lasting. Take the first step. Make your choice. You will see the entire universe rising to help you build a beautiful picture out of the ashes of life. This is life because you are wonderfully and fearfully made. You are matchless and priceless. Do not allow anyone to discount your real worth. 

You are indeed a masterpiece created by the Master Maker. As this year comes to an end, make concentrated efforts to take the broken pieces of your life together and turn them into something beautiful. Then, share your story of resilience and victory with someone else and let that story to resonate throughout history, bringing a ray of fresh hope for the faint hearted and weary souls. 

(Timothy A. Edward is a business psychology practitioner)

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