ALL Hands Together : Project Initiated by the Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayawardenepura     Follow

The Rotaract Club of University of Sri Jayawardenepura is a club that actively engages in a variety of community service and professional development projects. The most recent project was on the 1st of June. This project “ALL Hands Together” was to take differently-abled kids of the Sevana Children’s Home (Kotte) on a field trip to Galle.  It can be claimed, with no doubt that the project was a huge success seeing the faces of the kids for they were high with glee. The project was chaired by the Assistant Community Service Director, Dasuni Wanigasinghe with the utmost support and guidance of the club members and wonderful donors.

Strikes and pickets are usually the most frequently used words used in headlines of every publication when it comes to “Local Universities” in general but it’s quite questionable as to why these writers don’t show much of an interest to bring out the good things done by these young, talented University students.

This one day trip had a perfect line of activities planned for these kids. Starting off the journey in Southern expressway, the children and club members headed to the Martin Wickramasinghe Folk Museum in Koggala. This being their first time to take a drive through the Southern Expressway, first time to visit Galle and their very first time in the Koggala Museum, the kids were overwhelmingly happy. The project idea itself didn’t sound easy, for these beautiful kids needed a hand to help them throughout the day; the Rotaractors of University of Sri Jayawardenepura was able to extend their pure warmth of love, attention and kindness towards them, limitlessly.
The constant rains falling off in between were in no way a problem to lighten up their day. Through each drizzle and each passing puddle brought more mischievous smiles with happy blinking eyes. The next stop was at the Koggala beach for lunch and fun games. It was their very first time stepping on beach waves and sand which was pretty much an amazing experience for them.

The lunch, beach games, singing sessions, playing cricket and with more exciting events, the day’s plan proceeded into the last stop, which was Galle Fort. The kids enjoyed their evening snacks with the cool breeze of beach. A whole day with fun-filled events and love, the project completed successfully. It was a project for the Club but for the members it was a day as happy as for the kids- Seeing someone else happy and to know the reason behind that happiness is “You” is one of the best feelings one could ever have and undoubtedly all the Rotaractors of USJP felt that deep down in their hearts.

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