Asian Alliance Insurance offers “on line” travel insurance

“Alliance Travel Assist Insurance”, another innovative initiative by Asian Alliance Insurance (AAI) enables insurance to be bought online at the convenience of your home or office. This pioneering effort offers “real time” customer services to AAI’s potential and existing policyholders.

The market feed back coupled with the demand for an augmented product by customers, post introduction of “Alliance Travel Assist”, resulted in an enhanced insurance solution fulfilling the dynamic needs of today’s customers. This extended product is designed subsequent to careful analysis and research of the varied customer needs and market trends.  Customers now have a choice of five different covers which cater to a varied range of needs pertaining to foreign travel.

Additionally, “Alliance Travel Assist” is made further distinctive due to the enhanced benefits offered within the five different covers. With this uniquely augmented policy customers now have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits such as; Personal acident cover, Emergency   dental cover, Loss of passport, driving license or NIC abroad ,
Location and forwarding of baggage and personal effect, Advance money, Advance of bail bond and Emergency return home following death of a close family member.

According to Mr. Dilupa Pathirana, Manager - Brand and Channel Development of AAI,  “travel insurance is a complicated subject, and most customers are in the habit of purchasing travel insurance just before their journey; outcome being an expensive, not suitable travel insurance policy, and lot of time wasted on the road meeting travel agents, etc. Alliance Travel Assist is a simple yet comprehensive travel insurance solution that can be obtained online at convenience. The objective of introducing this online facility is to eliminate the waste in terms of money, effort and time consumed to buy travel insurance”.

Those who plan to travel abroad can now log on to AAI website, obtain quotation/s, pay premiums and purchase travel insurance policies, print out the policy document, etc. which exclude a visit to the travel agency/company. “Alliance Travel Assist” can also be obtained at leading travel agents.
The Assistant General Manager – Marketing of AAI, Ms. Nadi Dharmasiri added, “we are continuously striving to make the lives of our valued customers easier, and we recognized the need of simplifying the processes of obtaining travel insurance policies, thus we tried the easiest manner and succeeded. While our traditional channels of obtaining travel insurance polices are still operating, this is yet another endeavor to enhance the convenience of obtaining travel insurance.

Alliance Travel Assist – the travel insurance policy introduced by Asian Alliance Insurance, provides its customers peace of mind while they are away from home on business or leisure. The insurance cover is operative 24 hours of the day protecting the policy holder from many unforeseen and unfortunate events such as sudden illness or injuries, loss of baggage etc. from the time they leave home and until they return. For more information on Alliance Travel Assist you could visit the AAI Website,

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