March 22, 2012 Colombo: Taking a bold step forward in safeguarding the wellbeing of the nation, AVIVA NDB launched a carefully crafted health insurance plan recently.  AVIVA NDB HealthInsurance promises to be as outstanding as its forerunner AVIVA NDB Pensions which created a paradigm change in the market place last year. 

Perhaps the only long-term health insurance for the family that is available without the hassle of paying large lump-sums annually, AVIVA NDB’s health insurance plan is easily affordable and can be readily extended to cover the spouse and all the children, year after year. 

The attractive four-pronged plan offers cash in case of being admitted to hospital for over 3 days.  If surgery is required for any of the 250 surgeries in the comprehensive list, whether the operation is performed in Sri Lanka, India or Singapore, AVIVA NDB will extend financial support up to a million rupees, depending of course on the benefits one chooses. 

If a debilitating critical illness strikes, the support the policyholder receives could be as much as two million rupees, if the disease is one of the 22 in the list.  In addition to hospitalization, surgery and critical illness, for the insured, in case of an unforeseen eventuality, dependents receive a life cover of up to one million rupees, making this health insurance plan a very welcome and comprehensive offer.   

What makes this health insurance plan the ideal one for the whole family is the fact that it can be extended to children for hospitalization and surgery. What’s more if the child is under 12 years of age, and is accompanied by a  parent, a rooming-in benefit will be paid as well. 

“Our innovative health plan is designed to bring long-term health insurance to the people of Sri Lanka in an affordable way.  It is a welcome change that would help to protect young families and bring healthcare within the reach of a larger segment of the population” said Shah Rouf, Managing Director of AVIVA NDB Insurance commenting that now Sri Lankans can be prepared in advance in case someone in the family has to be suddenly admitted to hospital. 

General Manager, Marketing and Bancassurance, Amal Perera commented: “With non-communicable diseases becoming a major health threat to Sri Lankans, health insurance has become imperative for everyone.” 

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