Bieco Link is now Adam Carbons     Follow

PCH Holdings PLC has renamed its fully owned subsidiary Bieco Link Carbons (Pvt) Ltd “Adam Carbons (Pvt) Ltd” with effect from 18th February 2015, the company disclosed in a CSE filing.
While the name change may appear cosmetic, the choice of name certainly signposts the company’s plans for the future.
It is significant to note that Adam Investment Ltd., majority shareowner of parent PCHH Plc, has invested its own name in this subsidiary; unambiguously demonstrating that its commitment and interest in the fortunes and future of the subsidiary are neither short term nor light. 
A world-class manufacturer of granular and powdered activated carbon since 1989, the company recently announced the refurbishment and upgrade of its factory prior to planned re-commencement of production soon.
The only coconut shell activated carbon manufacturer in Sri Lanka using both vertical and rotary kiln technologies, in steam activation process, Adam Carbons (Pvt) Ltd is located in Giriulla, in the North Western province ‘coconut belt’. The factory provides employment and subcontracting opportunities to the many in the neighborhood.
Giving reasons for name change, Director of PCH Holdings Plc and Managing Director of Adam Carbons (Pvt) Ltd, Chaminda Banduthilake, said, “The board of directors and management of Adam Carbons strongly believe in the business and in developing a commanding presence in this sector. Particularly as it uses local raw materials, generates rural employment and earns valuable foreign exchange for the country. 
To Adam Investments, the activated carbon business is one of its key interests. We see great potential for future growth in this industry”
The board of directors of Adam Carbons (Pvt) Ltd., comprises, Dr Larry Adams (Chairman), Chaminda Banduthilake (Managing Director), Dr. Ali Ashger Shabbir Gulamhusain , Dhanushya Mediwaka Gulamhusain, Idris Shabbir, D P Galabodage, I Thayabally & Imran Zahir.

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