Browns Hospital Ragama focuses on wellness of women     Follow

More than 100 ladies gathered recently at Browns Hospital in Ragama for a workshop entirely focused on the wellness of women.

Incorporating the workshop as a community forum cum health education programme and in collaboration with the Ragama United Traders’ Association, Browns Hospital had the pleasure of having reputed medical practitioners Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr. Pradeep de Silva talking on the subject of health tips for women and Medical Nutritionist Dr. Timothy Wickremasekara educating participants on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and weight management.
The ladies present had the opportunity of enjoying a day dedicated to their health and wellbeing. It was their chance to focus on their life and take active steps towards a healthier and more confident self. The workshop inspired women to maintain a balanced lifestyle through nutrition, personal health and early detection of illnesses whilst also offering women the latest information on health-related issues.

On conclusion of the workshop, participants had the benefit of obtaining a free health report issued and a one-on-one consultation on medical advice.
Browns Hospital Ragama Head of Medical Services Dr. Sanjaya Gunatillaka stated, “Non-communicable diseases have become a serious health problem in our community. NCDs can be prevented by getting into healthy lifestyles, good food habits and by timely screening and appropriate medical intervention. Through ‘Wellness for Women’ we wanted to take this message across to our community.”

Consisting of a high-profile medical team of highly qualified and recognised visiting consultants, in-house doctors and nurses, Browns Hospital is the first in a chain of secondary care general hospitals and diagnostic centres which are dedicated to provide high-quality care through comprehensive, integrated clinical practice and personalised care to every patient.

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