CCC urges businesses to make use of CBF     Follow

The Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF) to be held from November 12 to 14 in Colombo within the ambit of CHOGM, would definitely provide the Sri Lankan businesses the prospect of harnessing new as well as expanding their existing business dealings to a greater level, a media statement by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) stated.

It further said that for the 600 local businessmen accredited to participate in the CBF, it is the most opportune networking forum in their own home country, which the participants should strive to reap maximum benefit from.

There are over 500 overseas senior businessmen who have registered to participate at the CBF.

“This is definitely an excellent progressive step to being facilitated with exposure to a large number of international top businessmen to assist further economic development within individual Organisations as well as at a national level”.

All accredited local participants will be issued their accreditation badges this weekend – Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November – which could be collected from the CHOGM secretariat at the BMICH.

Each of the participants has also been provided with a web-address along with an access password, through which they would have access to all the registered overseas Delegates at CBF.

This is to facilitate the local and overseas Delegates to make their own business appointments, prior to meeting at the CBF. Any Delegate who has not received this access code and password may contact the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.

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