Dhanaranjan,Taniya, Dhanushan,Yannik shine in regional junior golf – Kandy

Indika Dissanayake (Head of Sales Prima Ceylon), K Dhanushan, Yannik Kumara, Taniya Minel, G. Dhanaranjan, Neroy Marso (General Manager VGCR)

G Dhanaranjan , fresh from winning the Victoria Junior Open Championship ,  on Saturday, went on to win back to back tournaments by winning the Gold division,  of the Kandy Regional Junior open 2015 on Sunday. The lad a product of the Victoria Golf Club junior development squad faired brilliantly playing 3 under in the first day and 10 over par second day to close the tournament 7 over par. The second leg of the national junior regional golf tournament was worked off at the pictures Victoria Golf & Country Club where sixty juniors competed for top honours played over two days under tough arid conditions. Also two other players from Kandy showed much maturity: S Flamin and S Sawmiyan who fared well in the tournament. However T Akash of Colombo took the runner up position in the Gold division playing steady golf over the two rounds, behind the winner by 5 shots. The Silver division was won by Taniya Minel, Bronze division by K Dhanushan meanwhile Yannik Kumara the divisional champion in Nuwara Eliya went on to win the Kandy regional in the most junior category Copper division.

In the Silver division first day leader 14- year-old Vinod Weerasinghe crumbled under pressure. Taniya Minel went on to win the Silver division championship playing stylish golf on the second day with aggregate score of 165, followed by Iman Sangani with aggregate score of 190 and Dilshan Malinda with aggregate score of 193.In the Bronze division the tussle was between Levon Niyerapola and K Dhanushan. However Dhanushan showed maturity to win by 6 shots. In the most junior category the Copper division stiff competition was evident. Yannik Kumara showed his class with scores of 34,35 over 9 holes and went on to win the division . Closely followed by NirekhTejwaniwith scores of 35, 37 and Harish Kressive with scores of 35, 45. We are likely to read much about Yannik in the future with beautiful swing play and mind power displayed for a nine year old. The juniors from Nuwara Eliya failed to take any wins in their first outing since the launch of the development program in the current year.

The championship was conducted by the Sri Lanka Golf Union with the support of Ceylon Agro Industries - promoters of Prima Sunrise Bread, Pro Golf (Pvt) Ltd along with Victoria Golf & Country Club host for the event. Sri Lanka Golf Union’s vision of identifying talent in the country is taking shape with the development of junior golfers in the Kandy and Nuwara  Eliya districts taking place with the on going development programs in place. For the first time junior participation was evident from schools in the area. The bold step in introducing national regional open championships is to identify the young talent island wide to bring to the national squad level. It’s an initiative to foster talent regionally and talent scouting for national representation. The sponsor Prima Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd promoters of Prima Sunrise Bread was represented by Indika Dissanayake who was the guest of honour and awards were given by Neroy Marso General Manager, Victoria Golf & Country Club and club professional Pathmanathan.

Gold Division
(under 18 yrs)
1. G. Dhanaranjan153,  2. T. Akash158, 3. S. Sawmiyan162,  4. S. Flamin 165

Silver Division
(under 15 yrs)
1. Taniya Minel165, 2. Vinod Weerasinghe172, 3. Iman Sangani 190, 4. Dilshan Malinda193

Bronze Division
(under 12 yrs)
1. K. Dhanushan187, 2. Levon Niyerapola193, 3. T. Vikash 201,  4. Haroon  Aslam 202 

Copper Division
(under 10 yrs)
1. Yannik Kumara69, 2. Nirekh Tejwani72, 3. Harish  Kressive 80, 4. M. Saran92 

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