DSI Samson Group holds “DSI Sithuvili Sri Lanka 2015” Awards Ceremony in a culturally prominent mann

The Awarding Ceremony of the DSI ‘Sithuvili’ Art Competition was held on the 11th of October 2015 at the BMICH in the grandest of fashions. The chief guest at the ceremony was His Excellency Mr. Maithripala Sirisena, the President of Sri Lanka along with the Ministers & other dignitaries. All present in order to show their support to a most worthy cause. Dr. Sam Rajapaksa, Chairman of the DSI Samson Group, Mr Kulathunga Rajapaksa, Managing Director of the DSI Samson Group, Mr Nandadasa Rajapaksa, Chairman of D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd, , the board of directors and the senior management of the DSI Samson Group were all present at the ceremony along with their families. 

The concept of ‘Sithuvili’ first materialized in 1990 to help children express themselves by way of art, and distract them from the hatred and violence they are exposed to in the world. The initial DSI ‘Sithuvili’ Art Competition was conducted in 1992, which attracted 42,000 entries from schools around the island. The total sum of gifts for participants this year was increased to Rs. 6,000,000/= with the best entries being awarded special certificates as well. In celebration of its 25th anniversary this year the competition was open to students all around the island and as a result of this, the number of entries exceeded a total of 100,000. 

Speaking at the event, Mr. Nandadasa Rajapaksa, the Chairman of D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd stated; “A child’s mind is a heaven. But when the child grows up that same mind becomes a prison. Should a child bear the burden of this misfortune? No. Is it not the responsibility of the adults? We at DSI undertake such programs to ensure that the world of our children stays a heaven even when they become adults” while Mr. Kulatunga Rajapaksa the Managing Director of the DSI Samson Group said, “The goal of this business venture is to create new innovations in a new world while at the same time ensuring the protection of our core values”.

His Excellency offered the DSI Samson Group his heartiest congratulations and commendations on the success of the competition and exhibition. 

Driven by innovation, adaptation and a keen sense of responsibility, combined with customer service excellence, high business ethics and a committed workforce for over 52 years, the DSI Samson Group is among the country’s premier business conglomerates and is the leading manufacturer of footwear and bicycle tires in Sri Lanka.

DSI products are exported to over 40 countries across the world and the company is a fine example of how a South Asian manufacturer could produce high quality footwear worthy of the most respected and reputed brand names in the world. DSI is also the local representative for international brands, such as Reebok, Fila, Clarks, Puma, Dell and Avira.

While drawing strength and support from the community as a responsible corporate, the projects that the company has undertaken across the country, reflect on the measures taken for the wellbeing of society and the company's commitment towards being a responsible corporate citizen.

The winners under the All-Island category were: Grade 2 – 3 Jeremy Semitha De Silva of St Joseph’s College, Colombo 10, Grade 4 – 5 I.D Thulasha Jayodhi Dayarathne of Bandaranayake Girls School, Ampara, Grade 6 – 8 S.S.V Kavishka Maduranga of Dikkovita Shasthraloka College, Wattala, Grade 9 – 11 H.G Avishka Eshan De Silva of NCEF Buddhist College, Mulleriyawa New Town and Grade 12 – 13 W. Niluka Priyadarshani Wimalasena of Galenbidunuwewa Madhya Maha Vidyalaya, Anuradhapura.

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