DSL to maintain Panchikawatte round-about

Falling in line with the ongoing beautifying program of Colombo city, Douglas & Sons Pvt. Ltd. (DSL), has undertaken to landscape and maintain the round-about at Panchikawatte.

Desiring to make their business home town iconic, DSL has erected a spectacular statue of a rearing horse at this round-about. This masterpiece is one of a kind in Sri Lanka and it is entirely made of used motor spare parts, subtly denoting that well-known significance of Panchikawatte.

Horse is regal and fierce i n competition, running its heart out to be the one to take first place. Watching a horse, one can see its true commitment, sparked by the burning desire to be victorious. It is so beautiful to see her walking with her head held high, donning the prance of a celebrated champion. These characteristics of the horse have made her a common symbol of power, beauty, nobility and strength. A rearing horse especially, is a true demonstration of power and strength in aggression.

Considering the significance of a horse as a symbol, erected in the heart of a business area, it is interesting to note that according to Celtic mythology, horses were considered good luck and harbingers of good fortune.

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