Family members join Brandix to honour employees     Follow

The importance of family in an individual’s career was a poignant theme when Sri Lanka’s apparel exporter Brandix felicitated 39 Associates and six Supervisors at the Group’s annual Employee of the Year (EOY) Awards ceremony held recently at the Sugathadasa Indoor Stadium.

An employee being honoured by a parent

Selected after a rigorous examination of their performances and contributions to the Group’s growth in 2011, the winners of these coveted awards were also rewarded with company-sponsored study tours to China, India and Bangladesh, and within Sri Lanka.

A highlight of the awards ceremony was an invitation to an immediate family member of each recipient - a parent or spouse - to come up on stage to formally pin special Employee of the Year insignia that can be worn on the award winners’ uniforms.

“In a quality and speed-driven Group such as Brandix, the performance of every single one of our 40,000 plus associates is critical to our success,” said Colonel Sujith Jayasekara, Group HR Manager - Works HR of Brandix. “This emphasis on performance is reflected in the efforts put in to select and recognise our top performing personnel.”

Associates were chosen for the Employee of the Year awards through a comprehensive process based on the achievement of defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIS). A significant feature of the 2012 EOY Awards was the inclusion of recipients from the Brandix Group’s offshore factory locations - Brandix Apparel India, Ocean India, Seeds Intimate Apparel India and Brandix Casualwear, Bangladesh.

The award-winning associates will also get an opportunity to share their experiences on how their lives have been enriched after joining Brandix, as well as their learnings subsequent to the overseas study tours, when they are hosted to an informal tea with the Brandix Group CEO and the leadership team.

The pioneer of the concept of ‘total solutions’ in Sri Lanka’s apparel sector, the Brandix Group is supported by 38 manufacturing locations in Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh. The Group provides direct employment to over 40,000 people, and offers indirect employment to an equivalent number. The Group’s foray into India in the form of Brandix India Apparel City - a 1,000 acre self-sufficient industrial park - is based on the ‘Fibre to Store’ concept and uses the advantages of scale and strong business fundamentals to leverage global expertise to offer ‘total solutions’ within the site. Brandix has also set up a large operating unit in Bangladesh extending its regional presence in South Asia.

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