Global Marketing in Sri Lanka

Global Marketing Network (GMN), the worldwide professional membership association for marketing and business professionals will officially launch its Sri Lanka operation, GMN Sri Lanka. This event is to be hosted by the British High Commissioner, Dr Peter Hayes, at his official residence on 25th May 2010.

On 26th May GMN Sri Lanka will hold its inaugural conference in Colombo, World Marketing Forum 2010, designed to provide marketing and business professionals with the most current knowledge, ideas with inspiration needed to help them capitalise on the new opportunities in today's global business environment.

It will feature keynote presentations and panel discussions from marketing and business thought-leaders including Professor Svend Hollensen, author of the world’s bestselling book on global marketing strategy, who will share latest research and insights in worldwide marketing practices and how to develop a successful global marketing strategy.

Global Marketing Network’s Sri Lanka Country Director, Dr Ranjan Madanayake said, “Peace has returned after 30 years of conflict and this has heralded a new era and a new Sri Lanka. It can now be ‘Paradise Regained’ for us and we need to utilize this opportunity for commercial and economic welfare of the nation. What Global Marketing Network brings with its global perspective is invaluable and there will be much for our marketers to achieve through being a member.”  

GMN’s Chief Executive Darrell Kofkin will also be in attendance to announce a number of new measures that have been developed to support the continuing professional development of Sri Lanka marketing and business professionals. These include GMN’s Global Marketer Programme leading to a full validated MSc Global Marketing Practice that has been co-developed with Ashcroft International Business School at Anglia Ruskin University, one of the UK’s largest universities. Kofkin will be joined by Professor Martin Reynolds, Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of Ashcroft International Business School.

GMN Sri Lanka Honorary President Dr Nalaka Godahewa added that “As business leaders and practicing marketers, it is our duty to provide recognition and promote marketing as an essential management discipline that should be represented at the board level. A strong network between marketing professionals sharing ideas and promoting knowledge definitely helps achieving this objective. I am pleased to be part of Global Marketing Network and support its pioneering efforts given the global perspective and the wealth of knowledge we can provide to practitioners.”

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