Lanka Hospitals to set up high-tech laboratory     Follow

The Lanka Hospitals Corporation PLC (LHCL) is to set up a state-of-the-art laboratory service, that will facilitate a range of diagnostics tests that are currently unavailable in the country, a top official stated.

“Through the infusion of superior technology and know-how from our international partners, our intention is to establish a laboratory service that will be a referral center in South Asia and amongst the best in the Asia region,” LHCL Chairman, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said in his message to the company annual report 2012/13. Speaking to Mirror Business regarding this expansion of laboratory services LHCL Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Lakith Peiris noted that the investment in this regard would be over Rs.750 million and is scheduled to become a reality during the current year. “Since Sri Lanka does not currently possess the necessary laboratory facilities to conduct certain advanced medical tests, they are sent overseas.

After the expansion we will be in a position to conduct those tests right here in Sri Lanka,” he said.

Through the introduction of a new business model for lab and diagnostics, LHCL’s intention is to broaden the scope of operations, specializations and uplift the standard procedures to comply with requirements and recommendations of the College of American Pathology (CAP). The CEO pointed out that from day one the CAP model would be followed in the laboratories.

“The new network of laboratories will offer tests that are currently unavailable in Sri Lanka and will greatly facilitate the medical fraternity in their overall clinical management,” Peiris further noted adding that it would be the largest laboratory in Sri Lanka. He went on to state that samples from labs of other hospitals too will be sent to LHCL. “Because there is no need to send the tests overseas the turnaround time would be less making it much more effective and efficient for patients,” he said.

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