Leo Burnett excels at Goa Fest

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Leo Burnett Solutions Inc. the Sri Lankan office of the globally recognized network dominated the Goa Fest advertising award festival by winning four coveted metals in a cross section of categories, for its clients Cargills Ceylon, Akzo Nobel – Dulux and the Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society (SLEDS) last weekend in Goa.

The internationally recognized TV commercial titled, “Pass it on when you’re done with it” created for the Sri Lanka Eye Donation Society (SLEDS) again continued its international winning streak at Goa Fest, it won the toast of the evening winning Silver in the Best of South Asia category as well as a Bronze metal in the Social Service category. This commercial received a standing ovation from the 1000 plus attendees at the festival. This commercial aptly titled “Pass it on when you’re done with it”, shares a compelling story which has won the hearts of juries at Adfest, Spikes, Effies and now at Goa Fest.

Leo Burnett’s exceptionally innovative poster campaign to launch KFC’S home delivery service also received a Bronze metal in the best of South Asia segment.

The perfect crafting of the poster and its simplicity were noted by the jury when awarding the KFC poster campaign its bronze metal. Another innovative communications idea to win a Bronze metal in the Ambient Category was the Dulux ‘Washable Walls’. Anactivation conducted during the Cricket World Cup 2011 to demonstrate the versatility of Dulux ‘Three in One’. This activation transformed regular walls into score boards during the semi finals and finals of the World Cup. The freshness of this idea was recognized by the metal it was awarded.

Commenting on this success the agency’s Chief Creative Officer Sachin Ambekar stated “It is an honor to be recognized by our peers for the work which we produced. These four metals awarded by a discerning Indian jury is a rewarding reinforcement for the passion we have for our work.”

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