OPPO celebratesits first Sales Launch with Fans at Majestic City

OPPO celebrated its official launch in Sri Lanka on the 15thAugust with a splashy showcase of its newest smartphone releases, the R7 Lite and the R7 Plus, at Majestic City. The launch kicked off with a bang thanks to an energetic surprise flash mob that got everyone’s attention, and the rest of the event was a blur of flashy models, fun games and of course, loads of facts about OPPO and the company’s impressive history. 

Hype around OPPO’s introduction to the country has been building for months following the creation of an official OPPO Sri Lanka Facebook page earlier this year, which coincided with a new website also dedicated to the country. This online buzz clearly translated to a very real interest in the brand judging by the turnout on the day, with large groups of people present to secure their own OPPO phone. Considering OPPO’s trademark design – stylish, luxurious devices that bring out “The Art Of Technology” – the crowd certainly reflected this DNA, being filled mostly with excited youth in their twenties and curious business professionals looking to upgrade.

Another trait commonly associated with OPPO is unparalleled customer relations, and this too was apparent at the activation. Every game was finished with a variety of gifts and every question was answered with care and detail. Utilising their notable online following, the OPPO team continuously documented the day’s activities by posting photos of themselves with their fans to their Facebook page, with an eagerness and promptness not typically seen in many other big name brands. However, it seems OPPO realizes the importance of showing its customers appreciation, as well as embracing social media as a key form of communication – and the steady stream of posts from its page certainly lends support to that statement.

OPPO has seen an almost meteoric rise in Asia, and has expanded to over twenty countries across the world in just the past five years, so it was no surprise that the company was adept at handling an ambitious launch. The energy stayed up the entirety of the day, with the OPPO team almost heroically juggling the whirlwind of activity as phones were passed from person to person. Cameras were tested, specs were requested, and the general vibe of the surroundings was that of happy future customers (or “O-fans”, as the company fondly refers to them) and some very excited staff. In the end, even as the day came to an end and the bustle died down, one thing was clear: OPPO had landed, and it was here to stay!

OPPO Cap Passing Game

OPPO Cap Passing Game winner 

OPPO Balloon dancing 

OPPO Selfie time with oppo phones

OPPO SD card winner


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