Prima Kottumee Celebrates Calendar Launch 84 Fashion Show 2015

The official launch of Prima Kottumee calendar for the year 2015 and the gala f.hion show was held on 18. December 2014 at the Stable, Park Street Mews before an exclusive audience of media, f.hion and entertainment industry personalities. Prima Kottumec, a popular brimd which has captured the youth with its characteristic vitality, has, for the 6. con.cutive year, produced an exclusive .ilendar with a special focus on youth and on the brand's 'Flot & Spicy' nature. 


Importantly, Prima Kottumcc has provided a gateway, particularly, for youth from rural areas to enter into the country's lucrative modeling industry. Holding this annual even., Prima Kottumee has extended its helping hands to thou.nds of youth across the island to realize their cherished dream of becoming mainstrearn models or actors in the show business or in modeling. 


Renowned photographer Lakshmanan Nadaraja took the snaps of the models who posed for Prima Kottum. calendar. The models were traincd and groomed by former Mi. Sri Lanka for Miss Universe, Rozanne Diasz. It was those models who were performed at the Prima Kottumee fashion show. 


A rigorous selective process was adopted in screening prospective modes for the Prima Kottumee Calendar through a 'Model Hunt' which was conducted through television and radio ads as well as the Prima Kottumee website and via c-mail and Facebook. The Model Hunt yielded an ovetyhel ming rearthnse. Twenty four models were screened and .lected out of thousands of applications received. The candidates were selected by an independent panel headed by Ms. Rozanne Dia.S7. in a teclmically perfect screening proc.s. Konumee fans then voted for their fiworite male and female contestant via a voting app launched on Prima Kottumee's official Facebook page. 


Prima Kottumee awarded a six month's modeling scholarships for the 24 models to be trained undcr the guidance of Ms. Rozanne Diasz at Imagar modeling academy, in addition to they being showcased at the fashion show and featured in the 2015 brand calendar. An inter.ting aspect of this year's fashion show is the showcasing the talon. of the past models who have made successful careers as models or actors and who proved their mettle at the previous Prima Kottumec Model Hunts. 








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