Shipping giants happy over MRMRP success     Follow

Picture shows the first largest Ro - Ro transshipment consignment un loaded at the Magam Ruhunupura MahindaRajapaksa Port by M.V.ASIAN SUN

Inquiries are flowing into seeking increased and continued opportunities to carry out Ro-Ro operations at Magam Ruhunupura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port following the success of the first ever Ro-Ro consignments accomplished on June 6at the brand new port.

M.V.FRISIA with an LOA of 176m and a capacity of 3721 units belonged to K Line Ltd; and ABC Shipping (Pvt) Ltd; as the local agents was the first to call at MRMRP with 15 units as a local Ro-Ro consignment. The vessel was made to leave the port within few hours of the same day following successful Ro-Ro operations. She was followed by M.V. ASIAN SUN with the first largest Ro-Ro transshipment consignment at the new port. The vessel registered in Panamawith an LOA of 184m and a capacity of 4200 units, belonged to Hyundai Glovis and Aitken Spence Shipping as the local agents brought nearly 1000 vehicles at MRMRP to be transshipped to Algeria. The efficient operations conducted at the port in time enabled easy maneuvering and the total unloading was accomplished within the same day enabling the vessel to leave MRMRP early Thursday 07th June 2012.

A number of representatives from renowned Ro - Ro shipping lines and their local agents keenly interested to witness the success of the commencement of Ro-Ro operations at MRMRP were seen present at the new port to have a first hand sight of the eligibility of MRMRP to function as an efficient and dedicated facility to manure and operate Ro-Ro vessels in its transshipment activities.

They also stated their consent that the new initiative would exp ress Magam Ruhunupura Mahind a Rajapaksa Port as a much reliable and safer facility to handle Ro-Ro vessels and their operations in the entire region. Dr.Priyath B. Wickrama - Chairman of Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) expressed his extreme confidence over the success of the first ever Ro-Ro operations at MRMRP, stating that with the largest ever infrastructure projects booming in the southern area, no force could stop the region becoming the industrial capital of Sri Lanka.

Deputy Minister of Port and Highways - Rohitha Abegunawardhane, Hambantota District Parliamentarian - MP Hon. Namal Rajapaksa, Secretary of the Ministry of Ports and Highways Ranjith Pemasiri, Managing Director of SLPA - Capt.Nihal Keppetipola, Executive Director of SLPA, and several distinguished personalities were present at the commencement of Ro-Ro operations at the Magam Ruhunupura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port in Hambantota.

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