SLASSCOM signs MOU with Japan IT industry

Seen here is the MOU exchanged between Mr. Mano Sekaram, Chairman- SLASSCOM (Right) and Mr. Kazunori Hamano, Vice Chairman- JISA

With a motive of establishing mutual cooperation to encourage and promote collaborations internationally, SLASSCOM recently signed a MOU with Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association (JISA), a trade organization of Japanese IT services Industry.

The MOU was signed at an event held on the 19th of November at World Trade Centre (WTC) in the presence of participants and delegations from SLASSCOM and JISA. The mutual cooperation is in collaboration with Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB).

The objective of this MOU is to share knowledge and have business exchange by members of both SLASSCOM and JISA in the area of information technology (IT) industry.

The opening speech was delivered by SLASSCOM Chairman Mr. Mano Sekaram, EDB Director-Export Services Mr. Saman Maldeni, JETRO Colombo’ Resident Representative Mr. Kazuhiko Obama, and JISA Vice Chairman Mr. Kazunori Hamano followed by the MOU signing ceremony.
Mr. Dharshan Cooray, SLASSCOM Executive Director engaged with a presentation on Sri Lanka’s ICT industry. The audience interacted with a Q&A session and a discussion, and thereafter visited Orion City.

Japan Information Technology Service Industry Association is the largest non-profit organization of Japan's IT industry, related to the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and works for greater dynamism and sophistication in the industry through nine activities. These include surveys and research related to business operations and technology, providing information, and international exchange

SLASSCOM is the national chamber for the IT/BPM industry in Sri Lanka and acts as the catalyst of growth for the Sri Lankan IT and BPM industry by facilitating trade and business, propagation of education and employment, encouragement of research and innovation, and by supporting the creation of a progressive national policy framework. It has an ambitious 2022 Vision to become a $5 billion industry, creating 200,000 direct jobs and launching 1,000 start-ups.

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