SLT Brings Augmented Reality to Majestic City

Following their teaser earlier this month, Sri Lanka Telecom revealed their Christmas-themed activation event at Majestic City.  Placed near the entrance of the popular shopping complex is a giant LED screen that shares all movement occurring in the corridor in front of it – much like a security camera would. But walk closer to the screen and you’ll be greeted by a comic, animated snowman that will amuse you with his antics – and even strike a variety of poses to take a selfie with you.

Through the use of augmented reality technology, the snowman appears on the corridor seen in the screen, exactly as if it were present at the actual setting. The project has proven to be a massive hit with the shoppers and movie-goers at Majestic City, especially the children, who take a great delight in watching the snowman trip and bumble across the screen. But it’s not just the toddlers smiling. Teens and adults as well have been lining up to take a selfie with the snowman, and SLT’s Facebook page has been buzzing with people enthusiastically commenting about the snowman and sharing the various moments they had captured with it.

The event marks the first large-scale augmented reality project in Sri Lanka. SLT has been on a hot streak as of late. Working with TNL, the telecom company brought some extra fun to Majestic City at the start of the month with the implementation of a large touch-table at the heart of the mall for the general public to try their hand at a variety of touch-based games powered by SLT’s Wi-Fi connection – one of the many products the total internet solutions provider offers, including both wired and wireless broadband technologies. Following the overwhelmingly positive feedback to the SLT snowman, it certainly would seem that SLT has brought Christmas cheer extra early to the country – proving how one innovative idea can impact the lives of thousands. 

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