Symposium on value addition in natural products for healthy brain-aging     Follow

In a stride of innovation, the International Brain Research Organisation and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura have come together to organise a seven-day International Neuroscience Workshop, to be held from December 14 to 20 on the theme ‘From Bench to Bedside: Translational Neuroscience in Healthy Brain Aging and Neurological Disorders’.

It will draw around 20 academics and clinicians of the highest calibre from Harvard Medical School, University of Cambridge, National University of Singapore, Maastricht University, Fudan University, George Washington University and Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, India, etc.

Within this, a symposium cantered on the use of natural products unique to Sri Lanka to foster healthy brain-aging, will delve into the potentials of bridging industry and academia in private-public partnerships with international collaborations for research and development on natural products (i.e. tea, cinnamon and other native herbs) enhancing value addition through innovative product development. Benefiting both academia and industry, these developments are envisaged to greatly strengthen the global marketability of these products as ‘brain protectors’.

The global costs of increasingly prevalent neurodegenerative disorders exceed US $ 1 trillion. Emerging natural product based neutraceuticals could provide the basis for a cost-effective therapeutic approach - paving the way for the cutting-edge technology of today to prevent the progress of brain disorders. Leading ultimately to effectual resource usage, novel ideas and technological advancement, this is a leap of progress towards gaining patented products that link industry and academia with systematic findings of communal benefit.

Integrating proactive training, innovative research and opportunities for double-doctorates by the European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON) and drawing a representation from the Director, EURON– this workshop stands as an unmitigated effort to enhance the health of the most complex organ in the known universe.

A workshop of this magnitude was possible due to much international support obtained by the organiser of the workshop, Professor Ranil De Silva, being a council member of the International Brain Research Organisation, Federation of Asian and Oceanic Neuroscience Societies (FAONS), Asia-Pacific Societies for Neuroscience and coordinator of the above EURON project.

Prof. De Silva will also present his findings on natural products at FAONS and the Conference of the Chinese Neuroscience Society this September in China, followed by discussions with the Chinese natural products industry, from which key individuals are to be invited for the aforesaid symposium at the International Neuroscience Workshop to be held in December.

As an ideal opportunity for the Sri Lankan natural products industry to reach beyond the limits of local networks, this symposium will open avenues for involvement with international delegations of high scientific acclaim, in entering competitive global markets with a fresh bound of enterprise.

Please find below the URLs of the IBRO and World Class University Project and for any further references that you may wish to obtain: AND
The details of this workshop could be obtained from University of Sri Jayewardenepura World Class University Project Director Professor Ranil de Silva. Email: [email protected].

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