Triad’s ‘Young Lions’ team for Cannes Advertising Festival 2012     Follow

Triad’s ‘Young Lions’ team for Cannes Advertising Festival 2012 The winners of Sri Lanka’s Young Lions – Print competition for the second consecutive year. Triad Team’s very own Ruani Wijenaike and Tarisha de Alwis to fly to France to compete against the world’s best young advertising talent at Cannes International - Young Lions Competition 2012.

Winners of the Young Lions Competition in Sri Lanka were announced recently and from the all teams that participated representing leading advertising agencies of the country, the art-copy team from Triad won the print category in the local leg of the competition - which now enables them to participate at The Cannes Advertising Festival 2012.

This year, the brief was based on convincing marketing managers on why going ‘digital’ is essential for a brand in the modern day advertising world. Triad’s creative campaign was based on the idea ‘You’ve already gone digital. Don’t be afraid to let your brand do the same’ indicating that unknowingly, these managers have already ‘gone digital’ in their day-to-day work - whether it is through e-mail communication, online chatting or texting, etc. - and hence they should not be afraid to let their brand be marketed on the same platforms.

Commenting on their win locally, Trisha of the ecstatic team from Triad said, “Over seven days and over 50 sessions, thoughtleaders and experts in all forms of communications and creative thinking are scheduled to come together to inspire, debate and entertain at Cannes Lions 2012 in France. As young lions, we too will have the opportunity to enjoy a week of insightful, informative seminars, fun and interactive workshops and inspiring master classes – and apart from that, we are very excited at the chance to also meet with some amazing people from the advertising world and make lots of new friends. We intend to thoroughly enjoy ourselves and bring back great learning experiences with us.”

“However, cliché it may sound it really is a life-changing experience! says secondtime winner Ruani. The information and ideas you absorb as well as the unique work that makes the winners stand out really does inspire you to go back and work as hard as you can in order to bring back a gold lion for Sri Lanka! Our credo ‘Sri Lanka Can’ will surely inspire us to give it our best shot.” Triad, committed to be an inspiration to local agencies that are committed to raise the bar of creative excellence in Sri Lanka sees this achievement as a great opportunity to invite bright young minds to join the industry. It is only through the infusion of next generation leadership that the Sri Lankan ad industry can move on to a global playing field. The chance to compete at Cannes Young Lions yet again is undoubtedly a step in the right direction and a rewarding opportunity for the new generation of ad professionals of this country. The Triad team appreciates the sponsorship extended by Sri Lanka Telecom and Unilever as well as the dedication of the local representative of Cannes Lions International Festival in Sri Lanka – The Metal Factor.

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