Wedagama Horiwila Physicians’ House introduces Osunima cough syrup and sandhi thailaya     Follow

A line of Ayurvedic medicines, that was brought to you, under the brand-name “Osunima” by the Wedagama Horiwila Physicians’ House, along with the Sri Lankan identity and the trust built over long generations, was recently introduced to the local market. 

This line of medicines, will elevate Sri Lankan Ayurvedic medicines, to a higher level. This line of medicines will relieve, both the body and the mind of patients, afflicted with various ailments.

Under the Osunima brand name, Horiwila sandhi thailaya and Osunima thulsi sahana cough syrup, muthra gal syrup (Bladder-stone Syrup), Maha rishi watha thailaya, arogya wardani peyawa, Madumeha harani choornaya (for Blood Sugar), Amila pith suwaya (for Gastritis) , Meda harani choornaya ( for Cholesterol), Memory Plus, shakthi peniya (Energy Syrup) and Hair Rich Hair Medicine are introduced.

The Present Physician Sage of the widely renowned Wedagama Horiwila Physicians’ dynasty Prasad Senanayake describes “ Osunima Cough relief Syrup” and “Osunima horiwila sandhi thailaya” as two items of medicine, among these medicinal products, that should be in every home, at all times. Continuing, Prasad Senanayake states: “Today, a majority of the people in our country, are on an unending trip, as a result of the ultra-busy life, the people have to lead these days. Due to this a whole series of ailments afflict the people every day. Of these ailments, cough takes the number one position. This is an illness that troubles little children as well as the elderly people.

This illness makes it quite impossible for most people to perform their daily tasks. Besides, the rheumatic joints oils that have been introduced to the market today, have turned out to be a reply to the mind – troubling  Issue for many adults in modern society. To provide relief for such ailments, the line of Osunima medicines, has been produced as a synthesis of more than one hundred medical items and medicinal herbs from India and from the traditional Wedagama Horiwila House premises” 

Speaking further Prasad Senanayake said: “That is not all. All these medicinal items have been utilized methodically, observing age-old rites and rituals in an uncontaminated manner. The medicinal items that have been used, are 100  percent derived from indigenous sources. I see this line of “Osunima” products as an opportunity that has been gifted to the present generations, by synthesizing the knowledge I have acquired from tradition, with a methodology that is linked to the modern era”

This Thulsi Sahana Cough Syrup, has been produced by synthesizing about 30 varieties of medicines, that include, pavatta, coriander and liquorice. This syrup can be used by all- young and old - to relieve cough, body – aches and to counter sleeplessness and to relieve the heavy head feeling. Cough can be immediately got rid of, by taking this syrup mixing it with warm water. This is quite an effective cure for children as well.

Osunima horiwila sandi thilaya (Joints Oil) is a synthesis of ancient Indian Oil prescriptions and the traditional prescriptions of the Wedagama Horiwila family. 
This oil is produced, using more than one –hundred ingredients. It is equally effective, for people of all ages. This is an external application, that is quite effective in curing back-ache that affects many, neck ailments, knee pains, benumbing of hands and legs, ailments that occur as a side-effect of diabetes, ailments associated with shoulder, difficulty of raising the hands, body pressures, muscle twists (Cramps), fractures etc.

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