Choosing Leaders Wisely: The Importance of Transparency in Political Candidate Selection

Voters lined up at a polling booth (File Photo)

By Lalith de Silva

As a concerned and patriotic citizen of Sri Lanka, I am writing to share my thoughts regarding the upcoming election and the critical importance of selecting the best possible candidates for our nation’s future.

Sri Lanka is at a crossroads where strong, ethical, and experienced leadership is paramount for addressing the pressing challenges our country faces. It is vital that political parties adopt transparent and democratic processes when nominating individuals for parliamentary elections. This will not only enhance the credibility of the political system but also ensure that capable leaders with a genuine commitment to public service are chosen to represent the people.

In both public and private sectors, best practices are followed when recruiting professionals. Candidates submit detailed CVs, nomination forms, meet rigorous selection criteria, and undergo interviews to assess their skills and experience. It is alarming that such standards are not upheld when selecting candidates for one of the most critical roles in society—serving in parliament. 

I would like to propose all party leaders consider the following key factors when selecting candidates:

1. Professional Skills and Experience: These individuals are better equipped to address the complex issues facing our nation, from economic growth to social cohesion. 

2. Ethical Standards and Integrity: It is crucial to ensure that candidates have no involvement in corrupt practices, conflicts of interest, or associations with businesses that may undermine public trust, such as alcohol, gambling, land development, or similar industries.  

3. Public Welfare and Vision: Candidates should be those who place the welfare of the people above all else, demonstrating a commitment to long-term national development and solutions that benefit the broader population, not just their own interests. 

4. Diversity and Inclusivity: It also ensures that the voices of all Sri Lankan citizens are adequately represented.

It is clear that the current nomination process for parliamentary candidates lacks transparency, democratic principles, and a professional approach, which has resulted in the majority of our parliament being filled with individuals who are neither qualified nor ethical enough to lead our nation effectively, and many of whom are corrupt. 

Similarly, our provincial and local councils are often filled with corrupt, unskilled, and non-professional individuals rejected by the people, leaving us to contend with the negative consequences of their leadership failures. 

The lack of scrutiny and due diligence in this process has led to widespread corruption, incompetence, and a breakdown of public trust in our political institutions. 

Given the profound influence that parliamentarians have on shaping our nation’s future, it is imperative that political candidates be held to the highest standards of integrity, competence, and dedication to public service. The consequences of poor leadership in Parliament affect millions of lives and are a root cause of many of the challenges our nation faces. 

Selection process 

I strongly believe that political parties must adopt a transparent and professional selection process to ensure that only the most capable and ethical individuals represent the people. 

This process should include: 

1. Detailed CV and Nomination form Submission: Potential candidates should be required to submit comprehensive CVs outlining their qualifications, leadership experience, and demonstrated commitment to public service and nomination form which covers a wide range of personal,professional, and financial details.

2. Clear Selection Criteria:

3. Independent Assessment:

4. Secret Ballot: Candidates, shortlisted based on their performance in front of local party members, are selected through a confidential voting process.

Implementing these best practices will enhance the quality of our representatives, improve public trust, and ensure that our future leaders are truly capable of transforming the nation. As political parties, we hold the responsibility to elevate the democratic process and prioritise the welfare of the country above personal or partisan interests. 

There should be a form for a nomination process for all the political  parties in Sri Lanka, specifically for individuals seeking selection as candidates. It covers a wide range of personal, professional, and financial details to assess a nominee’s suitability for public office.

It is important to complete all sections carefully, as the form touches on many sensitive and potentially public aspects of a nominee’s life. Here’s a summary of the key sections covered and the candidate nomination form typically should include:

1. Proposers’ Details:

2. Party Membership Details:

3. Personal Information:

4. Academic and Employment History:

5. Party Involvement:

6. Financial and Legal History: Questions about financial stability, previous debts, bankruptcies, or any legal proceedings the nominee may have been involved in are included. Any involvement in controversies, or public stances on controversial issues also needs to be declared. 

7. Business ownership or involvement:  Do you, or any member of your immediate family, hold any ownership, directorship, or significant financial interest in businesses related to alcohol production or sales, gambling operations, spas, mining, mineral extraction, soil management, or land development? 

8. Social Media and Online Activity: All social media accounts, blogs, or online writings connected to the nominee and his or her family must be disclosed. The party reserves the right to review and follow these accounts. 

9. Criminal and Civil Record: Any past criminal charges, civil proceedings, or disciplinary actions are required to be disclosed, including driving offenses or personal misconduct. 

10. Experience in Community Service: Involvement in community, charitable, or advocacy work. 

11. Supporters/References: 

12. Policy and Vision Statements:

Why they wish to run as a Party candidate.

13. Commitment to Party Values:

Demonstration of commitment to the core values and policies of the Party.

14. Personal Integrity and Financial Disclosure:

Any conflicts of interest or potential financial conflicts.

15. Declarations:

A declaration that the nominee complies with party rules    and the legal requirements for candidacy.

Thorough checks 

These thorough checks are designed to ensure that the nominee has no hidden issues that could negatively impact their candidacy or the reputation of the Party and government if elected.

The selection of skilled, ethical, and experienced political candidates from all parties is crucial for the development and progress of a nation. When candidates are chosen based on merit rather than favouritism or personal interests, it ensures that those in leadership positions have the vision, knowledge, and integrity needed to make decisions that benefit the country as a whole. Such leaders are more likely to prioritise public welfare, implement sound policies, and tackle pressing national issues like economic growth, education, healthcare, and governance reform.

By adopting a clear and open process for candidate nominations, political parties can rebuild the trust of the public in the democratic system, positioning Sri Lanka for a more prosperous and stable future.

I respectfully urge all political parties to consider these suggestions as political parties  prepare for the next election cycle. Your leadership in ensuring a transparent, ethical, and merit-based nomination process will undoubtedly set a positive example for other parties and inspire a new era of responsible governance in our country.

(Email: [email protected])


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