A curt response instead of blessings!

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This person is a retired security chief. His name is also being mentioned these days in connection with the upcoming big poll. Several civil society organizations are expected to ‘anoint’ him as their candidate for the big poll. 

There is no possibility for a candidate already nominated to run for high office to call on any high religious dignitary of the Catholic Church for they have already vowed not to grant an audience to any political leader until all Easter Sunday carnage suspects are brought to book.

However, this retired security chief had made it a point to make a courtesy call on a high church dignitary in Borella area before formally receiving the nomination as a candidate for the big poll. 

During the conversation with the religious dignitary, he had informed the former that several civil society organizations were asking him to come forward as their candidate. 

“I am not concerned about your being named as a candidate,” the religious dignitary had told him point-blank. “What I want to know is what action you have taken against those responsible for the Easter Sunday bomb attacks! No purpose will serve by talking to me before getting a definite answer to this query!”

The religious dignitary’s curt response marked the conclusion of the courtesy call, 
they say.                  

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