A new political alignment to jack up Pohottuwa!

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One or two members of the Group 16 nursing high political ambitions are reportedly planning a new political alignment.


They have already planned to revive a political party now in doldrums to use it as the core of the proposed new alignment and then invite a section of Group 16 to join forces with them.  A Group 16 member from the Colombo district, who is known to be eying a very high-office is expected to lead this new alignment.

The founder of the political party they propose to ‘buy or borrow’ to use as the core of their new alignment is currently on a diplomatic assignment abroad, they say.

The news about this new alignment has already reached the yahapalanaya bigwigs as well as the former strongman.

The main objective of those planning the new alignment is to add muscle to Pohottuwa at the eleventh hour, they say. 

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