A saga about two projects placed on the backburner!

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A saga about how two political characters from the South had tried to strike gold from the proposed Gin and Nilwala River Projects is coming out bit by bit these days, they say.


A white-collar advisor in his sunset years too had been involved in this gold-strike bid.

It was the Number One who first came out with a hint of the gold-strike bid and now an audio clip containing a tell-tale conversation has been recovered, they say.

The gold-strike bid had stalled when the two politicos from the South had planned to share the pay dirt between themselves giving no chance to the purohita, handling the subject to cut in on the deal.

The cold war over the sharing of pay dirt had led to pigeonholing the Gin Ganga and Nilwala Ganga Projects proposal placed at the top table months ago and a large section of the peasantry in the South suffering due to long drought spells, targeted to benefit from the two projects is now condemned to a much longer wait for a steady supply of water for irrigation and drinking purposes for no fault of theirs, they say.

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