A typical worker’s lunch ahead of the Workers’ Day!

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A purohita who attended his Ministry after the National New Year vacation had to make do with a piece of bread with parippu curry for his lunch.


The purohita who called at his Ministry at noon after participating an official conference had felt terribly hungry. However, he soon learnt that there was no place for him to go for his lunch as all hotels and restaurants in the city were closed for the New Year holidays. 

One of his office aides who had looked high and low for a restaurant or a café reported that only a pavement ‘kade’ (eatery) opposite the Ministry was open at the time. “But they have got only some roast bread pieces and parippu curry!”

“Bring whatever they have got. I am so hungry roast bread with parippu is quite okay!” the purohita had told his aide.

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