An example for apathy of some officials     Follow


An interesting story about how a certain high official who wanted six months to provide piping for a water supply scheme for a drought-battered village, produced the material within 24 hours is reported from Pelmadulla.


It was revealed at a recently held official conference chaired by a political authority in the area that the supply of water to the drought-hit village had got delayed for want of piping for laying the water mains leading to the village.

The political authority who reacted with amazement to this revelation said that he was personally aware that the stock of pipes was already available in an office in the area responsible for handling the subject of water supply. Having said that the political authority immediately contacted the official in charge of the office over the phone and inquired about the delay in issuing the piping for the proposed water main. The official who earlier said that he wanted six months’ time to provide the stuff promised the political authority to issue the stock within 24 hours. The official released the stock of pipes within 24 hours as promised, but a heavy shower beat him to it ending the long drought.

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