Anyone was welcome, but not him     Follow


It is obvious to everyone that that the new government formed by the Pohottuwa-Betel leaf alliance is faced with an uncertain future. 


However, one may be surprised to hear that there was a scramble by dozens of politicos to jump on the new bandwagon.

The match-maker from the upcountry responsible for the new alliance had himself acted as the go-between for a gabby politico from the Western province. Well known as a harsh critic of the former strongman, this politico held top team status in both previous governments.

When the match-maker brought up the name of the gabby politico as one quite willing to throw in his lot with the new administration, the former strongman had gone livid. Suppressing his anger, he had told the match-maker that he would like to discuss the case with his close confidants before committing himself. 

So, the match-maker had later mentioned the name of the willing pole-vaulter to the Pohottuwa front-liners. The mere mention of the name had sent the group into a rage. And they had given an earful to the match-maker for promoting the case of an arch-enemy of theirs.

Finding the situation was getting worse for him, the match-maker beat a hasty retreat, they say.

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