Bodhi poojas to bless rogues!     Follow


A group of JO front liners led by the former strongman had recently participated in a Bodhi Pooja held at a temple in the Kurunegala area to invoke blessings on their gabby colleague Johnny cooling his heels in a State-run lodge these days.


Even some politicos in the district, who had occasion to lock horns with Johnny, had participated in this pinkama.

The group that had met at Johnny’s residence had later proceeded to the temple and had dispersed from there once the ceremony was over.
Meanwhile, a senior JO Diyawanna member from Digamadulla area had to offer a lift to a party colleague, a member of a local body in the Colombo area and while on the way back, the duo had been engaged in a heart-to-heart chat and former had suddenly blurted out:

“Ah! Machang! If we are to hold Bodhi poojas to invoke blessings on rogues at this rate, will there be time for us to do any propaganda work?”
The local politico had found it difficult to contain his spasms of laughter, they say. 

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