Chastised and quietened?     Follow


The disposal of the city garbage had been a perennial problem and the authorities finally decided with the nod of the ‘top two’ in yahapalanaya to bury the garbage on a piece of fallow land in Ja-ela area. 


The removal of city garbage to the new site on a regular basis was underway when a deputy purohita known for his shenanigans began leading a series of public protests demanding an immediate halt to the transporting of garbage to the new yard.

The Deputy had failed to enlist the participation of the young Diyawanna member of the same party looking after the constituency in the protest action nor had he kept the latter informed of it and feeling affronted the member had complained to the party leader against the Deputy for ‘invading’ his home turf.  The party leader livid with anger over the Deputy’s antics had reprimanded and warned the latter to behave himself.

The rebuke had instant effect for the Deputy soon faded from the scene. The fear of being denied party nomination at the next general poll may have led the politico to beat a hasty retreat, they say. 


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