Cheers for disciple and jeers for Guru     Follow


A commemorative ceremony was held recently in the native place of the slain Tiger leader. The chief purohita for the North and the official leader of the opposition were among the distinguished guests invited to the ceremony. 


The opposition leader who got wrinkles and grey hair during the long challenging years in politics was the first to address the gathering. 

The gray-haired leader had hardly begun his address when a section of the audience started hurling questions at him. Meanwhile, another section began booing and raising a big racket. However, the opposition leader had continued speaking amid the din, they say. The opposition leader’s address over, it was announced that chief purohita Wig would address them presently.

Then the sections who raised boos and raised a din earlier greeted the announcement with several rounds of cheers and soon after Wig was seen being carried shoulder-high by enthusiastic young supporters to the podium. Some youths were also seen kissing the feet of the chief purohita being carried to the podium. 

The ceremony over, a Diyawanna member from the North had confided in the elderly politician as to who had organized the hostile reception to him at this ceremony. 

The upshot of this revelation is that it is a dead certainty now that Wig would not get the main North-east party’s nomination to contest the provincial poll round the corner, they say.

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