Discretion was not part of his valour!

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The controversial provincial chief who had become an irritant to both his party and to the Centre from the very outset, is now all set to embark on his own political journey, they say.


His plan to contest the upcoming provincial poll from his own political party is expected to mark the severance of all his ties with the main alliance in the North. 

Reports from the North say that a good number of prominent politicos from the province have already rallied round him endorsing his hardline stance regarding the main issues relating to the community.  Even Kala Madam who stirred up a hornet’s nest in the South by publicly welcoming the return of an LLTE rule has already thrown in her lot with the provincial chief.

The provincial chief has already begun meeting the diplomats from powerful countries in the West based in Colombo to seek their assistance for implementing the political agenda of
his new party.

However, his very first meeting with the diplomatic community had run into trouble thanks to his loose tongue.

It has now transpired that a diplomat from a country sharing borders with the States where there is a strong presence of the diaspora is the one our man first met. 

Given the traditional protocol bars foreign diplomats from meddling in the internal political affairs of their host country, this diplomat had extracted a solemn promise from the provincial chief to keep their meeting a secret. 

However, the provincial chief never used to guard his tongue had spilled the beans the following day itself. 

The diplomat who soon learnt about the provincial chief going back on his promise to keep their powwow under his hat had reportedly gone livid and lost no time in rebuking the chief. 

This diplomat, said to be the senior most diplomat in the country, has now issued a standing order to his juniors to give a wide berth to the provincial chief in future, they say.

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