Envoy’s protest day sprint ends at a hospital!

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A city-based envoy from a powerful country in the West had had occasion to face an unusual predicament on the day of JO’s massive protest.


This envoy known to be an academic well versed in Buddhism as well as in this country’s long history had made it a practice to do workouts every morning. He would do jogging on some days and sprinting and cycling on other days.

On the day of the protest, the diplomat, a Colombo 7 resident, had come the street to do a sprint to find the entire area looking desolate and all his usual workout streets barricaded as part of a traffic diversion plan.

So, he had begun sprinting along a lane and a dog chasing him had bitten him on the leg.

Highly frightened, the diplomat who had never suffered a dog bite in his lifetime, nevertheless, continued his sprint with a new burst of speed until he had reached a private nursing home.

The envoy had returned home in an official vehicle after getting his wound dressed and the anti-rabies vaccine injected hoping against hope to resume his morning workout in a day or two, they say.


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