Foreign investor to call it quits!     Follow


There is a steel factory set up by an investor from an Asian country in an area in the North-Western part of the country where donkeys freely roam.


This factory is a major enterprise, has been drawing the covetous eyes of the politicos ruling the roost in the area.

Of these interested politicos, there was a Diyawanna one holding a high office at the State level who got bold enough to demand various favours from the management. They obliged in certain instances but there had been occasions where they had been compelled to say, ‘sorry’.

This politico who is known for his habit of demanding his pound of flesh was not ready to take ‘no’ for an answer and decided to get what he wanted by throwing about his weight. One day, he phoned up the manager of the factory and told him: “Pay me a …percent cut from the profit you make on every product you turn out! Or be prepared to close shop!”

The latest report says that the foreign investor has decided to close the factory and move his capital to another country in Asia!

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