From meditation to Bodhi Poojas!     Follow


A top one tasked with maintaining law and order is reportedly taking time off his onerous duties these days to hold Bodhi poojas in a bid to ward off looming threats to his precious career.


A group of yahapalanaya Diyawanna members had quite recently slammed the top one for his queer doings and idiosyncrasies. On hearing about the fire directed at him, he had summoned his juniors both male and female and delivered a lecture as usual to vent his spleen during which he had made several obscene gestures to add effect to his harsh comments.

However, some females who attended the lecture had soon afterwards informed the higher authorities about the angry comments and the obscene gestures he had made making the situation worse for him.

Finding that jig was up, he had rushed to a prominent temple in the Kelaniya area and prayed to the deities for a way out of the impending troubles, they say.

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