G 18 come down to 16?

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There had been talk for some time that an 18-member dissident group was getting set to quit the Government together. But initially perhaps none outside this group may have known for sure who these 18 dissidents were. It was guesswork for everyone. 


However, a swarthy and the stocky deputy from the Puttalam District put an end to the guessing game when he suddenly made public the full list of 18 dissidents. 

Livid over leaking out the list, at least two of the 18 -member group has now got second thoughts about quitting the Yahapalanaya.

One of them is a politico hailing from the capital of the South. The other one, one-time top office bearer in his political party is a politico at top team level hailing from Wayamba.

Meanwhile, those loyal to the Compassionate One are busy prevailing on the duo to sever their ties with the dissidents completely, they say.

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