Getting set for leave-taking!     Follow


A small group of highly agitated Diyawanna Blues had recently called on the Rajarata young stalwart, who was one of the handful that pole-vaulted to yahapalanaya at the very outset.


They had gone to meet the Rajarata politico to deliver an ultimatum: That they were opposed to teaming up with the faction that they had ditched once and were set to quit yahapalanaya if the move was not called off.

The Rajarata stalwart had reportedly told these unhappy colleagues that he too was highly upset over the development and the Lokka was paying no heed to his protesting. 

He had added: “Don’t quit. Because, if you quit at this stage, you would be at a disadvantage. Let us bide our time and make a decisive move only as a last resort.”

The unhappy ones had left the place after agreeing to this suggestion, they say.


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