Hard taskmaster to get his 68th driver!

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There is a top team member in yahapalanaya who has got the knack for stealing the limelight by someway or other. In fact, he had his hour of glory when he made a bid for the country’s highest position once.


This bigwig, they say, expects consummate fastidiousness from all who work under him and would not tolerate even a minor failing or a shortcoming on their part. If he takes a dislike to someone, he would immediately get rid of him declaring his place out of bounds for him.  This keeps his aides always fully awake and alert.

Of all members of his private staff, the ones who mostly fall from his grace are his drivers. Even a very minor failing on the part of a driver would cost him his job. He had occasion to sack 67 drivers for the last three years. Now that the 67th driver too has been sent home, a replacement would be a big problem, his aides say. 

Most drivers had been dismissed for offences like sudden jamming of brakes and causing the vehicle to shudder, shake up or hop forward.

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