He is waiting for the green signal!

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This Green party stalwart who stepped down from a top position in the party some time ago, has been offered a lower rank position  following the  party reorganization, they say.


This onetime front-liner was already nursing grouse for not being nominated for the national list seat when the downgrading in the party hierarchy came as an insult to injury. 
However, he did not kick up a row over his demotion. 

Meanwhile, he lost no time in renewing his ties with those close to Saji of the telephone party. He had held his intent close to his chest while talking to them. 

The Green party stalwart had, however,  frankly told the secretarial one of the telephone party with whom he had had a chat over the phone later his intention to throw in his lot with the telephone party. 

In response to the Green party stalwart’s overture, the telephone boss had told him: “ Wait patiently until the proper moment comes for you to make the move.”

So, the Green party stalwart is waiting for the green signal these days, they say. 

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