He makes a head- start over two major rivals

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The Green leader recently announced that he intended grooming a second-in-command for the party.


No sooner than he declared his lofty intention than a race for the coveted position had begun.

One of the contenders has already begun seeking the support of a number of bigwigs from the elite white-collar community with proven political acumen though they were not directly involved in politics. 

This hopeful who believes in being an early bird, has already sent a messages to several white-collar bigwigs who played a key role behind the scene to send the UNP home in 1994 and to usher in the PA rule, saying, “Wish to meet you at a place you name.” 

This active contender presently representing an area in the country’s backwoods which incidentally has produced several political leaders at national level is going to have at least two powerful rivals, 
they say.  

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