He turns to good account what he gives!

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This Diyawanna politico from a district in the central hills enjoying a political spring, and by the way, the namesake of the Sinhala term for ‘spring’, would help the constituents calling on him to make various requests, only after referring to a ‘book’ he meticulously maintains, they say.


This ‘book’ is really a record of items he had offered each voter in the run-up to the general poll.

This ‘book’ shows against the name of every voter the details about the cement bags, roofing sheets, rice bags, money etc. offered to them prior to the poll.

Before attending to the immediate need of the voter, he would turn the page assigned to him in the ‘book’ and would tell him: “Look here… I have already given you … (he would mention the items). Remember also that there is another poll in the offing…” 

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