It was good riddance for her!     Follow


This fair purohita hailing from Rajarata handling affairs relating to women and children is said to be looking for a Diyawanna member of her own gender to have her as her deputy.


This post fell vacant when the incumbent was compelled to quit it on the heels of a furore that erupted due to a highly controversial statement she made in public.

By the way, this fair purohita had not been on the best of terms with that fair one who had to go for making the unholy statement, when she was sharing the work with her in a deputy capacity. 

Therefore, it was a welcome development for the purohita, when the deputy one called it quits, amidst the din of rebukes and she is bent on getting a deputy she likes appointed without the least delay lest the former one by any chance making a comeback to resume the innings. 

Therefore, the fair purohita has already recommended a fair Diyawanna member from Sabaragamuwa for appointment as her deputy and has also launched a campaign to canvass support for her.

However, a rumour afloat in Green circles says chances that her nominee being appointed to fill the vacancy are very remote given that she is a newcomer to Diyawanna and too green for the job.
So, the chances are that the fair purohita will again get as her deputy someone whom she may not like, they say. 

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