It was just an accident…     Follow

After the hideous brawl at the Diyawanna House yesterday, one of the partisans of the recently appointed Second-in-Command had got himself admitted to the nearby general hospital with a bleeding wound in his palm and fingers. 

Upon his admission to the hospital the doctor on duty had asked him whether it was due to an accident, to which he had replied that a rival Purohitha of the House had come behind him and cut his arm. But he has not mentioned a name.   

So the doctor had told him that if so he has to give a statement to the police for a JMO inquiry. Then the wounded partisan has told the former that there was no need to go for any inquiry and to record it as a mere accident.   

In the meantime, while the hospital staff was getting ready to take the partisan to the operating theatre a fellow Purohitha had asked the doctor not to take him away, as the new Second-in-Command was on his way to the hospital to visit his fellow wounded partisan.   

The doctor had then told them that the wounded Purohitha’s life is more important than the Second-in-Command of the House and had taken him away to the operating theatre.    

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