Million-dollar secret is no more a secret!     Follow


A yahapalanaya bigwig had revealed a top secret to a JO heavyweight the other day.  


It was about why and how the no-confidence motion brought against Number Two, with much fanfare, fizzled out like a damp squib.

The yahapalanaya bigwig had confessed that a section of Blue Party members backing Number One was forced to give up the fight when their party senior, who figured in the latest Premier Stakes, announced his decision to beat a retreat at the eleventh hour.

The Blue Party senior’s about-turn after his earlier appeal for support to the former boss had come as a shock to the Diyawanna Blue Group.

By the way, the yahapalanaya bigwig had even confided in his JO colleague the million-dollar reason why he decided to back out at the last moment.

The secret had passed from ear to ear since its disclosure and the Blue senior finding that the jig was up had begun telling all and sundry that he had decided to quit politics and he would be out of the scene by the time of the next national poll, they say.

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