New slogan ruffles other aspirants!     Follow


Once there was a popular commercial slogan which said: “palamuwa Bata, dewanuwa paasala!” (Bata first. School next!) 


A political slogan reminiscent of that Bata slogan coined by a yahapalanaya bigwig has of late has found its way into the current political lexicon, they say.

This political slogan in Sinhala says: “Palamuwa Suvapati. Dewanuwa Janapati!” which means Suvapati first. Janapati next!

The Diyawanna colleagues already backing the Suvapati argue that if being a Health Minister was a good stepping stone to the country’s Executive Presidency for a former Health Minister, why can’t the same portfolio be the stepping stone to the Presidency for its present holder?

However, the above political slogan reportedly spreading fast in the public domain has raised the heckles of several prominent members in the Green Front. And they have already begun planning to pull the rug from under the ambitious Suvapati’s feet. In fact, they have already supplied some weapons to the JO which the latter could use against the ‘Suvapati’, they say.

So, a joint effort is said to be underway to ignite a veritable time bomb designed to cause serious political damage to ‘Suvapati’.

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