O! They are above the law!

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This character, a typical political hanger-on, who was functioning as the Public Relations Officer of a political authority, while driving an official vehicle worth Rs. 15 million had sent it crashing on to a roadside tree causing it extensive damage though he had escaped unscathed. The man had been found fully soaked at the time of the accident.


The man’s boss, the political high-up, who failed to hold an inquiry into the accident resulted from his reckless driving, had later appointed him as a director of a development project and given him a new vehicle.

The Ministry authorities concerned too had failed to make any inquiry about the State-owned vehicle damaged in the accident and some sources say it had disappeared after the accident.

The sidekick of the political high-up, who has got a new vehicle for his exclusive use after being kicked upstairs, persists with the habit of driving while being drunk, they say.     




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