Playing diplomacy!     Follow


A Colombo-based envoy from a very powerful country, who wound up his stint here, paid the customary valedictory call on the Diyawanna Opposition Chief the other day.


During the lengthy chat that ensued, so the story goes, the envoy requested the grey-haired chief quite diplomatically not to back the country’s former strongman at any upcoming poll.

A seasoned politico, the Opposition Chief too wanted to be equally diplomatic.

“We become helpless sans an alternative on certain occasions,” he replied.

“Now, this person appears to be enjoying the majority support in the South… We can’t get our problems solved if we antagonize the South.”

Then it was the outgoing envoy’s turn to show cause to justify his request. And the elderly politico again gave him his attentive ear. Presently he took pains to further explain the position that his party is placed in.

“Our people in the North-east question us about the new Constitution we promised. We are stumped! You see that we can’t help but play by ear!”

The envoy did not look happy with this reply. But he did not further press the issue, they say.

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