“Remember, politicians come and go…”

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Some minor employees of a state-owned undertaking related to aviation had quit their jobs expressing their disgust at the shabby treatment meted out to them by a female high-up. 


Later these persons had complained to the purohita who recommended them for employment in the State-owned undertaking that they had to give up their jobs due to harassment they had to suffer at the hands of the female high-up. 

Livid on hearing that his ‘men’ were ill-treated, the purohita had openly berated the female high-up pointing out that those holding high office should be ‘human’ enough to be kind to minor employees. 

Affronted by the purohita’s harangue, the female high-up had pruned the uniform entitlement to new recruits soon afterwards and has turned harder on minor employee who happen to be the purohita’s ‘chit’ appointees. She would tell them: “Remember, politicians come and go, but we go on working here.”

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