Rs. 500 million- horse now runs faster for his master!     Follow


When political horse-trading was on top gear following the recent sudden regime change, a story began making rounds, that some Diyawanna members had demanded payoffs as high as Rs. 500 million to cross the floor. In fact, it came to light later that some political high-ups, who have directly involved in the shady deals themselves, had let the cat out of the bag.   


Meanwhile, some Diyawanna members from both sides of the divide had begun making discreet inquiries to find out the colleagues who had suddenly gone so expensive and a trail of tell-tale signs had led some of them to a big-mouthed member, who has made it to Diyawanna from a remote corner of the country.   

They also learnt that after some haggling he had expressed willingness to lower the price somewhat, but the deal had failed to click. So, this worthy remains in the same fold.   

However, what surprises those who discovered the true colours of this Diyawanna member is that he continues to appear on his party’s political stage on a regular basis and directs fire at Pohottuwa without the least worry about the skeleton hidden in his cupboard.   

Party supporters greet him with loud cheers and whistles when he stands up to address them and his fiery speeches draw tumultuous applause from them. And these poor people are blissfully unaware that their ‘hero’ is the main character behind the Rs. 500 million story! 


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